Friday 31 July 2015

10 Foods That are Healthy Weight Loss foods, you will Love

निश्चित ही एक्सरसाइज करना एक वजन घटाने का साधन है परन्तु जब तक हम अपने खान पान में बदलाव नहीं करेंगे, ये एक्सरसाइज उतना प्रभावशाली नहीं होगा। 
इसलिए आज हम आपको एक बार फिर उन चीजो के बारे में याद दिला देते है जिनके  बारे में आपने सुन रखा है पर अमल में नहीं लाये है। 

definitely exercise is the one of the way to loose weight, but it will not be so much effective till than you do not change your eating habits, and you need to change some diets in your plate. so that more water retention can be accomplished and metabolism can be boosted to loose weight and make you feel better.

The list is as below

1. Almond (बादाम): 

                  Almond are full of vitamin-E proteins and fibers, which stops you filling hungry all the time, its tastes is also very good either you eat it raw or roasted or soaked in water. It reduces chances of heart attack and reduces bad cholesterol also. It was found that the flavonoids in almond skins work in synergy with the vitamin E, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. Its makes your bones and teeth strong.  

               They provide healthy fats and aid in weight loss: Although nuts are high in fat, frequent nut eaters are thinner on average than those who almost never consume nuts. Those who ate nuts at least two times per week were 31 percent less likely to gain weight than were those who never or seldom ate them in a study involving 8865 adults.     
              Almonds lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals. They help provide good brain function. Almonds contain riboflavin and L-carnitine, nutrients that boost brain activity and may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. They nourish the nervous system. According to Ayurveda, almonds help increase high intellectual level and longevity. They alkalize the body. Almonds are the only nut and one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming.

2. Leafy Green Vegetables (हरी पत्तेदार सब्जिया):

                  Green Vegetables are full of water vitamin A and Fibers, and low in calories. They are good for eyes, blood, bones and in fact for the whole body.  
                  It Lower cholesterol Mustard greens and kale help lower cholesterol. Here’s how: The liver uses cholesterol to make bile acids, which aid in fat digestion. When bile acid binds with the fibre of these greens, it gets excreted from the body—which means the liver has to use up more cholesterol to make new bile acid and, voilà, cholesterol levels are reduced. According to a U.S. study in Nutrition Research, steamed mustard greens and kale do this to a greater extent than raw.
                 Stay young, As well as playing a key role in helping blood to clot, vitamin K is critical in preventing certain age-related conditions. Researchers in California found inadequate K can lead to cardiovascular disease, bone fragility, and arterial and kidney calcification. A one-cup (250-mL) raw serving of any of the leafy greens here has at least your daily requirement of K, with kale providing more than six times your needs, dandelion greens five times and Swiss chard about three and a half times.

3. Oats (ओट्स):

                  Most people know that oats are extremely healthy for them. When consumed on a regular basis, oats can help prevent a range of ailments. They contain a wide range of nutrients like fibre, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, etc. which make them top the charts as far as healthy food is concerned. Here are some of the health benefits of eating oats regularly. Oats are just fillers and do not adds calories. So you will not feel hungry and you will not add calories in your body by skipping your extra caloric food.

                 Eating oatmeal can lower your cholesterol levels as it is made up of dietary fibres that helps lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) without lowering the good one (HDL). Eating a cup of oats every day with a high-fibre, low-fat diet can do wonders in preventing heart disease. According to a new research, the antioxidantspresent in oats reduce the ability of the blood cells to stick to the insides of the artery walls and thus reduce cholesterol.
             Oats contain a compound called lignin which helps reduce chances of hormone-related cancers like breastprostate and ovarian cancer. Eating oats is therefore good for both men and women. According to a research, women who have a higher intake of fibre have lower levels of circulating oestrogen and are at a lesser risk of breast cancer.
               Reduces hypertension
               Controls blood sugar levels

4. Beans (साबुत दाले, अंकुरित दाले): 
                  Full of fibers and proteins. used sprouts. 
                 Control your PMS: In a clinical trial, women who consumed high amounts of the mineral manganese in their diets each day had fewer cramps and mood swings than those who ate the lowest amounts. Yellow, green, yard-long and flat beans (also called Roma or Italian beans) are all very good sources of manganese, so add a large handful to your next stir-fry. 

                Reduce cancer risk: Green beans contain an impressive list of antioxidant plant pigments, called flavonoids, including kaempferol and 
quercetin. A study of cultured human breast and gut cancer cells done at Deakin University in Australia showed a synergistic effect between the two compounds in reducing the growth of these cancer cells.

5. Pepper Mint (पुदीना): 

                  Its a refreshing herbs with healing and calming properties, digestive properties. Include in your diet, tea, soft drinks. but use fresh peppermint from farm.
                  Mint or pudina is an herb that is synonymous to freshness. Use it for seasoning your salad, adding it to your cup of tea or grind it finely to cook ‘pudina ki chutney’, mint can bring that extra zing and unique flavour to almost any thing you cook, making you salivate every single time. But apart from its dressing and seasoning value for various recipes you cook, you should also know the numerous health benefits it offers.
  1# Relieves indigestion:
  2# Fights aches and pains:
  3# Gives you glowing and acne free skin:
  4# Helps fight oral infections:
  5# Helps relieve cough and cold:

  6# Prevents allergies and asthma:
  7# Helps relieve menstrual cramps and pain:
  8# Beats morning sickness in pregnant women:
  9# Boosts immunity:
10# Beats stress and depression:
11# Helps fight cancer:

6. Green Tea (ग्रीन टी)

                  Drink Daily for speeding up your metabolism and for help burning your fat. Since green tea has antioxidants, it slows down the ageing process and makes your skin look youthful. The skin shows signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, etc. when it is not well-hydrated and as one nears menopause. In order to combat this, drink green tea daily which will reduce the appearance of lines by boosting collagen production.

Relieves puffy eyes: A cold green tea bag can help relieve those puffy eyes and dark circles. It shrinks blood vessels under the eyes thus reducing puffiness. This also helps tighten sagging skin giving you a fresher look. Green tea is also a natural astringent.
Increases hair growth: Green tea helps strengthen the roots and preps the hair follicles  for regrowth due to the epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG present in it. It also helps increase blood circulation as it contains a molecule called catechin that stimulate hair growth. 
Cleanses the scalp: Parasites and other infections cause the roots to weaken and fall. Green tea clears off all these bacterial and fungal parasites from your scalp. These parasites are responsible for weakening hair roots thus causing hair fall. 
How to use green tea? 
Green tea and sugar scrub 
If you want a home remedy to help tighten your skin and give you a natural glow, apply some green tea with granulated sugar and water. Split open the tea bag and use the green tea with sugar and water. Mix these well and apply it all over your face for an all natural exfoliating face scrub. 
Green tea and sugar moisturising face pack
You could mix some green tea in liquid form with milk cream and sugar. Mix these ingredients into a fine paste and apply it on your face. Leave this pack for over 15 minutes and wash well with warm water. This pack helps moisturising dry skin.  
Green tea and rice flour face pack
Prepare a cup of green tea and let it cool. Once done, add some rice flour to this and stir well. Ensure the mixture is a fine paste. To this paste, add 2 drops of lemon and mix well again. Lather this mixture all over your face. This face pack is great for oily skin. 
Green tea ice cubes 
A toner helps enhance any beauty and skincare regime. Green tea being rich in antioxidants acts as a perfect skin toner and frees the skin from dead cells. For this, brew some green tea and let it cool off completely. Then, pour it into an ice tray. Once cubes form just rub these on your face. This helps in reducing all the excess oil and cleanses clogged pores. 
Green tea and egg hair pack
If you are suffering from severe hair fall, green tea is a great natural remedy. You could make a hair pack with 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, 2 spoons of green tea and 1 egg yolk. Mix these into a fine paste and apply well on your scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave for at least 15 to 25 minutes. Then, follow your usual hair wash regime. You could also look for a shampoo and/or containing green tea for your daily haircare regime. Also read 6 healthy ways to make green tea.

7. Garlic (लहसुन): 

                  Garlic has Allicin which reacts with the blood to create a product that is capable of killing off many harmful viruses and bacteria that can harm your health.

8. Chilli (मिर्च):

                  Eating chili is a great way to boost your metabolism. Adding chili to your meals will help you burn fat faster because a single chili pepper contains a full day’s supply of beta carotene and twice your recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Beta carotene is very important for healthy hair, skin and nails and vitamin C is essential antioxidant that helps getting rid of toxins and foreign bodies in your blood stream!
                  आप लाल मिर्च की चटनी लहसुन और टमाटर के साथ बना के लंच  और डिनर डिनर में भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते है। 
                  Chilies are excellent source of Vitamin, A, B, C and E with minerals like molybdenum, manganese, folate, potassium, thiamin, and copper. Chili contains seven times more vitamin C than orange. Ever since its introduction to India in 1498, chilies have been included in Ayurvedic medicines and used as tonic to ward off many diseases. Chilies are good for slimming down as it burns the calorie easily. Chilies stimulate the appetite, help to clear the lungs, and stimulate digestive system. 
  • Detoxicants : Chilies acts as detoxifiers as they removes waste products from our body and increases supply nutrients to the tissues. It also acts as gastrointestinal detoxicants helping in digestion of food.
  • Pain killer : Chilies stimulates the release of endorphins that are natural pain killers. It relieves pain caused due to shingles (Herpes Zoster), bursitis, diabetic neuropathy and muscle spasm in shoulders, and extremities. It also helps in relieving arthritic pains in the extremities.
  • Antibiotic : Chilies brings fresh blood to the site of the infection. The fresh blood fights infection. The white blood cells and leukocytes present in the fresh blood fights viruses.
  • Brain : Capsaicin stimulates brain to excrete endorphin and gives a sense of pleasure when ingested. This is the reason people get addicted to chili.
  • Cancer : It has been noted that vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid found in chili reduces the risk of colon cancer. Chilies such as red pepper have cartonoid lycopene, which prevents cancer disease.
  • Heart Attack : Chilies have vitamin B6 and folic acid. The vitamin B reduces high homocysteine level. High homocysteine levels have been shown to cause damage to blood vessels and are associated with a greatly increased risk of heart attack and stroke. It also converts homocysteine into other molecules which is beneficial to lower cholesterol level.
  • Lung disease : Chilies gives relief from nasal congestion by increasing the metabolism. It also dilates airway of lungs which reduces asthma and wheezing. It relieves chronic congestion in people who are heavy drinkers.

    Cigarette smoke contains benzopyrene which destroys the vitamin A in the body. The vitamin A present in chili reduces inflammation of lungs and emphysema caused due to cigarette smoking. 

9. Cinnamon (दालचीनी): 

                  Cinnamon can actually help you get those abs you were dreaming about much faster. This sweet spice helps regulate soaring blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin production. According to some researches, cinnamon extract also makes fat cells more responsive to insulin. That means that the fat cells are much less likely to hold on to excess energy and they are more likely to burn existing fat loads instead.

10.  Peanuts (मूंगफली): 

Surprising but true that peanuts actually being good for your belly, but of you eat a small handful of peanuts, they might be good to you. Eating peanuts between the meals can stop you from overeating and they give you protein you need for having that flat, nice stomach. Peanuts are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. They also contain vitamin E, which is very good to your skin.

So eat healthy and live long.
along with above diet, exercise and loose belly fats.

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